Many Verus customers have taken advantage of our focused IT assessments in the past. These typically are short, very specific assessment of a wireless network, or firewall settings. What some don’t realize is that Verus does many full-scale IT assessments of an entire IT infrastructure system for a company. It typically covers multiple locations, across multiple platforms (network analysis, server equipment, licensing, etc.).Verus actually prefers to do these larger assessments over the smaller variety because it is a better way for both the customer and Verus to know the big picture needs.A recent site discovery and analysis completed by Verus included the following:
- Employee interviews for user experience feedback
- Application deployment analysis
- Cloud storage analysis
- Disaster Recovery review
- Server infrastructure assessment
- Network assessment
- Security analysis
- End user support protocol review
Once all the data was collected, Verus was able to create both a long-term road map, as well as a list of immediate needs for the customer.
These IT assessments can be helpful in a number of categories to help an organization meet their IT needs, whether that be security, performance, or being able to adapt to the demand for a more mobile workplace.
So no matter what your business objectives, consider a full IT assessment with Verus.
Additionally, our team has over 35 years of experience providing IT coaching and strategic consulting services. From infrastructure, budgeting, and staffing to IT roadmap management, our consultants understand the business side of IT and are uniquely positioned to provide Executive level services, such as a virtual CIO (vCIO), at a fraction of the cost of a full-time CIO.