Advanced Malware: Protecting Your Network and Assets

 In Blog, IT Solutions, Professional Services, Watchguard

Since the first computer virus was released in 1986, cyber criminals have worked tirelessly to exploit vulnerable networks. From email scams to phishing attempts, password hacks to identity theft, the technology designed to invade your devices and steal your information is becoming more advanced everyday. This new generation of hacker tech, called advanced malware, is more robust, more resistant, and more likely to succeed in getting what it’s looking for. 

The solution? 

Understanding the threat and responding appropriately with advanced malware protection. The best way to get that protection is by working alongside experienced cybersecurity professionals who spend their time learning and adapting new strategies for beating advanced malware. 

Advanced Malware Goes Beyond Your Everyday Virus

By combining a variety of illicit techniques, advanced malware can penetrate your network, worm its way into your devices, and hide out of sight from standard anti-malware precautions. New advancements allow hackers to design programs that can’t be caught by everyday antivirus software. 

When a virus enters your network, it comes with a signature. This signature helps humans and programs work together to identify a laundry list of common perpetrators. With new advances in hacking technology, though, criminals can now “pack and crypt” their virus by changing it repeatedly to have a new signature. Every year, hundreds of millions of variants of the same virus are made, making it nearly impossible for AV software to keep up. 

Defending Your Network

Powerful IT security is your only defense against these kinds of attacks. Traditional AV software is no longer enough to protect you from every threat that cyber criminals can throw at you. That’s why Verus works with a variety of providers to bring you the best in cybersecurity technology. By combining our expertise and security audits with the power of WatchGuard, Cisco, and RSA, we can help your business stay safe. 

WatchGuard solutions like Threat Detection and Response (TDR) and APT Blocker can detect threats before they become a problem. These programs utilize advanced technology to go beyond relying on a database of known threats. Instead, they monitor and adapt in real time, providing you with protection and peace of mind. 

APT Blockers are able to emulate a host computer, sifting through threats before they make it into other devices. This early detection prevents more serious infections from taking hold in your systems. TDR works by scoring threats based on an ever-changing list of event data from your network to respond rapidly to suspected threats. Once your TDR suspects a threat, you can easily send it on to your APT system to perform a deeper analysis and re-scoring.

Together, these systems constantly create new relationships and new information about your network and its specific protection needs. 

Protecting your network is tantamount to protecting your business. Without advanced malware protection, you could be at risk for any number of cyber criminal attacks. Being proactive is the best way to keep your business, and the trust of your partners, stakeholders, and customers, safe.

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