Browse Safely with WatchGuard’s DNSWatchGO Service
With phishing attempts on the rise and network blind spots a more prevalent problem than ever, logging into your computer can start to feel like a calculated risk. Cyber criminals are becoming more knowledgeable about the exploitable vulnerabilities available to them, leaving business owners anxious about keeping their data and their network safe.
A particularly at-risk community are remote workers, who access proprietary company data without the network protection offered in the office.
According to a press release by WatchGuard: “…Even though 90% of organizations are currently using endpoint threat detection and response solutions – and 85% are confident in their ability to monitor the activity of off-network employees – nearly two-thirds of respondents confirmed that a remote worker has fallen victim to cyber attacks.”
What can businesses do to maintain the convenience of remote work while still protecting their assets?
Take your network security to-go.
WatchGuard’s new DNSWatchGo service provides the same protection to your remote workers that they expect in the office. With industry-leading security, you can browse safely anywhere, from neighborhood coffee shops to shared workspaces.
DNSWatchGo: Cloud-Based Security At Home and on the Road
With DNSWatchGo, all devices associated with your business are protected from blindspots, cyber attacks, and phishing attempts on and off your network.
Because the service is cloud-based, you’ll save time, money, and resources within minutes of running the service. In addition to negating the need for expensive hardware or software, DNSWatchGo also allows IT specialists to monitor endpoint locations, the types of attacks blocked, the motivation for the attack, and beyond from one central interface.
The service also offers flexibility and rapid response in the event of a threat. All policies can be monitored, adjusted, and deployed quickly, without the need for remote workers to bring their devices into the office.
One of the most valuable features, though, is the native security education system. If your users click a link or open an email that is a known phishing threat, they are automatically redirected to informational resources on identifying and preventing these types of threats in the future. Additionally, your network managers are provided with data on the attack, enabling them to take immediate and appropriate action.
Safe browsing and peace of mind are close at hand with WatchGuard Passport. Passport is the bundled offering of user-focused security services you need to empower your team to move freely, while protecting your organization from would-be cyber criminals. Each service provides persistent, always-on protection that travels with your user.
“As an established IT Solution Provider, I have worked with many vendors over the years and have seen a lot of product innovation and very little channel innovation. Channel experience goes beyond basic discounting and training programs, and involves how products and services are procured from the vendor, resold to clients, and managed throughout their lifetime,” said Kevin Willette, president and CEO at Verus.
“With WatchGuard, I know I’m getting both technology innovation and an investment in my experience. DNSWatchGO brings off-network content filtering to my user-based security stack and Passport gives me a simple way to deliver it with all of WatchGuard’s other user-based security services in a single SKU.”