Happy Thanksgiving from the Verus Family

 In Blog

Customers, clients, friends, and partners of Verus, 

As the holiday season draws near, we are reminded of all of the reasons we have to be thankful. For the past seventeen years, we have been so fortunate to do what we love everyday. For that, we are appreciative beyond words. 

To our associates and partners, we are grateful for the opportunity to work together and use our collective knowledge to make the digital world a safer place for the businesses we work with. We thank WatchGuard, Tegile, Microsoft, Ruckus, Cisco, Sophos, Veeam, Citrix, and VMWare for giving us the tools to provide innovative, cutting-edge cybersecurity. 

To our customers and clients, there is no way to express the amount of gratitude we feel for the trust that you put into the Verus family. You are patient, kind, and always willing to learn. That’s what makes our job so fruitful. Everyday, we come into the office knowing that we get to make a difference. 

We sincerely hope that your Thanksgiving is full of fun, love, and laughter.

With Gratitude, 

The Verus Family

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