Mitigating the Hidden Risks of Identity Threat Exposures (ITEs) in Hybrid Environments

 In Blog, Cybersecurity

The cloud revolution is well underway with cloud based services extending into nearly every digital realm as businesses transition their applications, data, infrastructure, and even firewalls to the cloud. This transition creates hybrid enterprise environments, where on-premises infrastructure is often synchronized with cloud-based services for ease of user authentication and access. With his synchronization, a new class of security risk known as Identity Threat Exposures (ITEs) has emerged. ITEs are weaknesses in an organization’s identity and access management (IAM) systems that can be exploited by attackers to steal credentials, escalate privileges, and move laterally within networks. The threat is so widespread that Microsoft lists broken security barriers between on-premises and cloud environments as one of the most prevalent gaps found during reactive incident reporting.

Let’s explore some of the most critical ITEs and provide recommendations for mitigating these risks.

NTLM Exposing Passwords

One of the most prevalent ITEs is the use of the outdated NTLM authentication protocol. NTLM, which stands for NT LAN Manager, is a suite of Microsoft security protocols that provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users. It is used primarily in Windows-based networks for authentication and is known for its unique challenge/response format. NTLM, and its even less secure predecessor NTLMv1, are still widely used in many organizations despite their well-known vulnerabilities. When a user authenticates using NTLM, their password hash is exposed, which can be easily cracked by attackers to obtain cleartext passwords. According to the Identity Underground Report by Silverfort, a staggering 64% of user accounts regularly authenticate using NTLM, putting their credentials at risk.

Risk of Stale User Accounts

Another significant ITE is the presence of stale user accounts – accounts that are no longer active but remain valid and can be used to access resources. These accounts are often overlooked by security teams and can be missed by regular monitoring or protection measures like multi-factor authentication (MFA) initiatives. Attackers who gain control of these accounts can use them to access sensitive data and systems without being detected. Allowing attackers to move laterally within a system, potentially escalate privileges.

ITE Risk from On-Premise to Cloud

The risk posed by these ITEs is amplified by the common practice of synchronizing on-premises Active Directory (AD) accounts to cloud-based identity providers like Azure AD or Okta. While this synchronization enables single sign-on (SSO) and simplifies user management, it also means that if an attacker compromises an on-premises account, they can potentially gain access to connected cloud services and SaaS applications.

How to Mitigate the ITE Risks

To mitigate the risks associated with ITEs, organizations should take a proactive approach to identity security. This includes:

  • Gaining visibility into the ITEs present in their environment, including the use of insecure authentication protocols, stale accounts, and other high-risk configurations.
  • Eliminating risks where possible by disabling outdated protocols like NTLM, removing or disabling stale accounts, and enforcing strong password policies, MFA, passkeys, and FIDO2 hardware tokens.
  • Monitoring high-risk accounts and activities, such as service accounts with elevated privileges or accounts exhibiting unusual behavior.
    Implementing preventive measures like Network Detection and Response (NDR), identity segmentation, and conditional access policies to limit the potential impact of compromised accounts.
  • Fostering collaboration between identity and security teams to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to identity protection.

By understanding the risks posed by ITEs and taking steps to address them, organizations can significantly reduce their attack surface and improve their overall security posture. As the adoption of cloud services continues to grow and hybrid environments become the norm, prioritizing identity security and closing these hidden gaps is more critical than ever. Contact us today to ensure your hybrid environment is secure.

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